Friday, March 28, 2008


Bottom line of a great Harper's Bazaar article on dressing well without going hungry: Find your "uniform" and go high end on everything that falls under its umbrella. For me, for teaching, 90 percent of the time it's a t-shirt, jeans and sandals. It's not as unprofessional as it sounds ... think solid-colored v-neck and jeans with a respectable rise. Sometimes I dress it up with a blazer and/or a belt, but that's pretty much the bottom line. A t-shirt. A pair of jeans. You never know, in my job, when you'll have to climb something, crawl on the floor, chase someone, or be at work till 6:30 p.m.

Here and there I will totally freak out my kids by wearing a dress or my glasses, but for the most part, the "uniform" is basic and utilitarian. However, I can't bring myself to wear sneakers - footwear is the one thing I don't habitually go uber-casual on. Although I do go uber-weird at times ... my Sugar wedges (odd floral things that do look somewhat edible), Aeropostale flats (maroon), and patent-leather mary janes (4-inch heels) are among my weirder footwear choices. S was inspecting my feet the other day, exclaiming over little scars and yesterday's blisters, till I had to chase him away with the explanation that for me, interesting (if not beautiful) footwear will always be worth the high price(s) - measured in discomfort and debt.

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