Wednesday, June 11, 2008

wish v were here

I know Charlotte Russe is for 16-year-old tarts and Dress Barn is for nice old ladies, but I can't resist ducking into either one on an outlet spree. I have this collection of clothes and accessories at home that never get worn, but that I love enough to be happy they're just hanging in my closet. The bohemian paisley orange creamsicle dress. A belted, tunic-length, sheer beige cover-up from Banana Republic. Endless faux Pashmina scarves. A knot-front yellow chiffon thing, too long to wear with pants, too short to be a dress. An asymmetrical tube top. (Okay, there is no love for the asymmetrical tube top - that was purely experimental.)

I really try to keep function-less clothing purchases to a minimum, but now and then I just can't resist (especially if the object of my desire is 70 percent off Cheap to Begin With.) Tomorrow I'll take a pic of my newest puzzling acquisition. In the meantime, it's 1 a.m. and I seriously need sleep.

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